Thursday 15 January 2015

Endurance and Intention

|  Day 4 |


 So here we are day 4 of week 2, and beginning to feel the strain of the city, where oh where is the fresh air? but endurance is the theme of my residency, and I know that there will be plenty of time later to sit in stillness and breathe in the fine Scottish air!

Last week I wrote the poem 'Warrior of Light', the starting point for the story and movement to evolve. A journey of endurance, survival and rebirth, and a fitting place to be here in India (have to keep reminding myself I am really here!) to explore these themes.

So I will endure, as the arrival on the other side can be so fruitful. Today I woke not wanting to get in a Rickshaw, to breath in the dust and pollution, nor be inside a studio when the sun is shining and when there are places calling out to be explored. 
But I did, and I am glad I did. In doing so a beautiful exploration emerged from this tired state. Having surrendered to the process itself the other side of the coin begins to shine, as I delve openly into what else the world has to offer.
The working title 

'Too lazy to be emotional'

is becoming, quite light with almost comical elements!?
Curious what happens when we take the emotional out of the story -

what is left is the question of 


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