Thursday 29 January 2015


| Logic |

There is a new order, a new logic here in India I am experiencing a new sense of patterning one far from any linear line, yet one that makes total sense once you accept that it may clash and challenge your own logic tendencies.. 

change is happening..

what else is happening?!

Well a dear visitor arrived safe and sound this week, our beloved Morag, Yes Morag is here!! And with her arrival a sudden feeling and clearer concept of distance. Distance between here and home. That first embrace with someone from your home family, from the other side of the globe, gives a sense of both near and far, and for the first time I missed 'home'

home, truly is, where the heart is..


Its Thursday, apparently, over the half way mark

This week, being week 4!! is now a count down to the opening of the Attakkalari Biennial Festival that kicks off on 6th Feb, and with the next week looking at technical rehearsals for our FACETS choreography that has been quietly in the making. And continues to be quietly in the shadows.. it will, I have faith, that it will materialize in time.

 so not to get too heavy, but thoughts of heart..

'Where is our faith, devotion, hope, and spirit'

To what do we devote our time, loyal service and ultimately our life to? 
Where does our faith lie; in family, loved ones, children, growth, justice, kindness, life and love.. 

 We have a deep sense of knowing, an ancient text that has been written, been told and passed down through the traditions of storytelling, dancing, in song, poetry and art.. we continue to pass on these stories, of the truth that has been long told.

This is where my thoughts and heart have fallen, having been to see much wonderful classical Indian dance here this past week. Kathakali, wow utterly bonkers ones first reactions could be, then the stories told by devoted dancers and musicians unravel in the most beautiful and unexpected way. Then more last night a 2hrs female solo of Bharatanatyam classical Indian dance. 

 Am blown away, a little love struck, and not to mention exhausted by this momentous introduction to ancient storytelling...

I am an absolute beginner here in India.

lets begin again..

start again, from the beginning

I had a dream last night, that I was born of a different time

 when I woke up, there was a new world around me


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