Thursday 9 July 2015

this is my rite

Borrowed Light will have its UK premiere as part of a performance 
- this is my rite -

Thursday 11 June 2015


time to rebuild, a time to gather, in strength and clarity
time to rid of the old layers, those remaining -
the toughest, most stubborn winter bark
with efforts of love, reveal your heart
quietly share with the world - for this is
a time to live a dream that is true to you

Sunday 15 February 2015

borrowed light

| Borrowed Light |

photos by 
Vishnu Prasad Preetham Kumar
Alliance Francaise, Attakkalari Biennial Festival, Bangalore
Feb 7th 2015

New End

An arrival 

A new end

I am here, back safely on UK soil.

Still in transition, still traveling

A little lost in time, in heart and in this new seasonal light

Time and space must be given for the new story, the story of now, to unfold, to grow and to continue.. 

with a new sense of direction, one inspired by recent findings, lessons, and people. As one incredible journey ends, another begins.

Magic happened, is happening, and continues to surprise, and to unravel.

Sunday 8 February 2015



'Why struggle in the dark, 
when you can open the window'
summary from audience member at Attakkalari Premiere 7.02.2015


Photo by Richa Bhavanam

Saturday 7 February 2015


| Borrowed Light |
by me

Premiered yesterday, 7th Feb at the Alliance Francaise, Bangalore

Thanks to a wonderful team of organizers, mentors, technical artists, dancers and choreographers, sponsors, and the warmth of the supportive Bangalore audience, and well the list of thanks and gratitude could go on.. and believe you me, here the culture is to thank everyone by name who is involved in some way.. 

the loving and supportive audience

And a BIG congratulations to those whom also performed yesterday from the FACETS residency - some wonderful work, that all came together for everyone on the day!

A sense of arrival, the premiere of Borrowed Light was performed yesterday, still cant quite believe that I just performed a new solo here in India!! And to share the journey with the people and city of Bangalore has been awakening.  All was made possible thanks to the amazing team of Attakkalari, and the mentors, and of course to dearest Morag for sending me to India, and to have here here by my side was the masala in my chai!!

Time now to decompress after 5 weeks of the FACETS residency, 5 weeks submerged deep in the heart of Indian culture, 5 weeks to go deeper into the void of ones own creative process, and 5 weeks connecting with some remarkable artists.. Jay, the Director of Attakkalari, such warmth and inspiration, such devotion and passion for contemporary dance. Such gratitude!

The Festival is well and truly kicking off, last night I saw Alexander Whitely Dance Company from UK performing The Measures Taken, beautiful dancers with ground breaking new technologies, a company based in London, barely a year old.. Congratulations.

Today, Sunday, the 5 other FACETs artists perform their work, cant wait to see where they have arrived to in their journey. It is very special to be a part of others processes, seeing them grow, fall and rise to the challenges. 

Then the day continues, followed by more international connections this evening, and no doubt another dinner !

OK, off now to find dearest Morag, she is some where in this town, and then let 

the day of dance unfold..



Friday 6 February 2015

Festival begins

| Attakkalari Biennial Festival |

Attakkalari India Biennial

So 5 weeks here in Bangalore, and finally the FACETS residents will get to share and perform the work created. Today the festival opens, with the dance companies Tao Dance Theater, from China and Good Company Arts, from New Zealand, and dinner to follow!! 

Then a very earl rise tomorrow 8am call to begin the tech for 5 of the FACETS residents, myself one of them, I am performing tomorrow afternoon..
I have  arrived at a final version of a solo, which has become a trio this week, with live sound and lighting.


'Borrowed Light'
  concept, choreographed and performed by Charlotte Jarvis
Music by Martin Lutz
Lighting by Jonathan Roberts

My fire and fuel; 
Indian Coffee House
Regular intervals taken, and large consumptions of Indian sweet coffee.. 

My resting half way house in Bangalore city!

Wednesday 4 February 2015

logic verses wisdom

Yes, I am still here.. 

mentor: What is the logic of your work?
cj: I dont know what the logic is, but I do Know

Thursday 29 January 2015


| Logic |

There is a new order, a new logic here in India I am experiencing a new sense of patterning one far from any linear line, yet one that makes total sense once you accept that it may clash and challenge your own logic tendencies.. 

change is happening..

what else is happening?!

Well a dear visitor arrived safe and sound this week, our beloved Morag, Yes Morag is here!! And with her arrival a sudden feeling and clearer concept of distance. Distance between here and home. That first embrace with someone from your home family, from the other side of the globe, gives a sense of both near and far, and for the first time I missed 'home'

home, truly is, where the heart is..


Its Thursday, apparently, over the half way mark

This week, being week 4!! is now a count down to the opening of the Attakkalari Biennial Festival that kicks off on 6th Feb, and with the next week looking at technical rehearsals for our FACETS choreography that has been quietly in the making. And continues to be quietly in the shadows.. it will, I have faith, that it will materialize in time.

 so not to get too heavy, but thoughts of heart..

'Where is our faith, devotion, hope, and spirit'

To what do we devote our time, loyal service and ultimately our life to? 
Where does our faith lie; in family, loved ones, children, growth, justice, kindness, life and love.. 

 We have a deep sense of knowing, an ancient text that has been written, been told and passed down through the traditions of storytelling, dancing, in song, poetry and art.. we continue to pass on these stories, of the truth that has been long told.

This is where my thoughts and heart have fallen, having been to see much wonderful classical Indian dance here this past week. Kathakali, wow utterly bonkers ones first reactions could be, then the stories told by devoted dancers and musicians unravel in the most beautiful and unexpected way. Then more last night a 2hrs female solo of Bharatanatyam classical Indian dance. 

 Am blown away, a little love struck, and not to mention exhausted by this momentous introduction to ancient storytelling...

I am an absolute beginner here in India.

lets begin again..

start again, from the beginning

I had a dream last night, that I was born of a different time

 when I woke up, there was a new world around me


Friday 23 January 2015

A Haiku

practicing Haiku;
Dragonflies hover (5)
Shooting darts all directions (7)
Spirits flutter-by (5)


Thursday 22 January 2015

a day for rickshaw stories

Its Friday

..and well not sure how we arrived here, coming to the end of week 3 already! Awaiting Morag's safe arrival from Edinburgh, UK, cant wait to share some stories and adventures with her.

And already we start to say goodbye to people..

Philippe Saire, one of the Mentors, heads back to Europe tomorrow (Saturday), and his input and experience has brought lightness and wit to every ones work. Am still working on it Philippe, and will be for some time!! 

How can we go deep into the darkness, but still keep a thread that draws us into the light? 

How to still access the full emotional body, but not to become over saturated, to have sense of space and breathe which invites the audience into your world, to be able to reach and connect, through movement/sound/energy to those at the back of the theatre..

I am now working with the challenge of a small stage space - originally the space to perform which was of preference, was in a court yard, with people able to come as close or as far as they wished -- now that space is out of bounds (the french institute wont allow) and so we are into the black box.. my challenge is to use this 'conference' stage set up and find an unorthodox way of using/seeing/and experiencing it..

Borrowed light, my aim, is to draw the audience into a world which at first is abstract (is theatre abstract?), and through movement, narrative, and by borrowing light, to guide them and to find a way to bring in the natural reality of the eastern sunlight.

Not so much in the movement this week, but stepping outside to observe, to shape, form, and bend light, to write a story which from darkness grows light..

I love the reminder of being here,  the work is one aspect, we, the choreographers on the FACETS residency go into individual studio spaces - a borrowed space, and focus on our own worlds and work, sometimes forgetting that we are in Bangalore, a city so connected. Every time I hop into a Rickshaw to take a journey, and taken down new streets with new sights (and there are more than 10 ways to get to your destination, never the same path taken) I am blessed by seeing the value of life, family, living and a culture so rich in its traditions.. 


Yesterday was rickshaw day.. in the morning, the driver and I got stuck in the traffic (nothing new) and then his rickshaw wouldnt start.. in the middle of what we would call 2 lanes, which means 5 here.. with a wall of horns bleating at us, the driver got out and started to push us to 'safety', so I too got out and helped him push the rickshaw through the bikes, cars, other auto-ric's, and buses.. "10mins madam and it will start again" we sat for exactly 10mins and he started up the motor, he wasnt even tempted to try before 10mins, a full 10mins he knew was needed for the little putt-putt to rest! and so we sat, and he spoke proudly of his family, his life and his honest earnings.. we continued on our way and arrived safely at my destination.. The thought didnt even cross my mind till later, which was actually the thought of one of the local dancers, that I could have gotten out and hopped on another Rickshaw, was happy to sit and listen to his story.. and it was the most beautiful rickshaw I had been in during my travles - this man had such patience, and pride..

safely on our way!

How connected are we???

So, on my second rickshaw journey, heading towards an Attakkalari sharing of our work (another story), with all the streets, all the millions of people, all the places to stop in traffic.. during a long dusty 40mins rickshaw ride.. the rick stops for not even a minute.. I look to the side of the road, and there is Pia (from Attakkalari, she works hard on the admin team) looking straight into my rickshaw... WHAT?? no chance, really?? to bump into someone you know, here its unheard of.. then shouting through the traffic where are you going, to the studio? Yes, replies Pia, so she dashes and leaps through the bikes, and heavy traffic, jumps over the side bar and slips into the Rickshaw.. the driver, a little perplexed, as his passenger, a foreigner just picked up a local in the middle for me was an unknown street, revealed a moment of true connection.. thanks Pia, what a wonderful meet!!

I rest there, no doubt more Rickshaw stories on their way.. thank you Bangalore, for these precious, unpredictable and quite hilarious moments.. 


stay connected!

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Day.. stopped counting

Today, I saw blue sky

Hasn't been seen since arriving in the city, as a blanket of dust fills the air and dulls the colours of the sky. But after rehearsing today went out on search of some fresher air and clearer skies. So the Botanical Gardens called to me and lured me south of the city. I sat under a larger tree, along with many squirrels, birds and monkeys, and began to decompress from the city.. 

before I knew it I had been sat there for 3hrs.. stillness, my body started to tingle, and the dust from my lungs cleared, I wanted to breathe deeply into the belly - then as dusk fell, I gathered my renewed energy and set home, back on the rickshaw and 10mins later, through what seemed to be an even busier city, my memories took me back under the tree..

This moment of breath and stillness will feed me for the new day, note to self must take these moments daily, if at all possible!


Tomorrow evening there is a sharing of work in progress. 5 of the FACETS residences, myself one of them, and will show what it is we have been working on these past 3 weeks, really we are in week 3...

and so in keeping with my changing and evolving process, 3rd week, brings 3rd working title, and one I shall be working with till the end of the process (she says!).. 

| Borrowed Light |

Since the moment of arrival, here in Bangalore, much wonderful and helpful advice has been given;

Walk like cow” a pace now happily adopted
Life, is Risky!”
on crossing the road, said knowing smile & nodding head

Take rest” after any journey made

''Any idea or concept you arrived here with, from this moment drop it, let it go, and let being here be your discovery” given two weeks into choreographic creative process

Borrowed Light is an exploration about the many paths tried and tested in life, and aware that there are many more waiting to be discovered. Having courage to take risks, braving the darkness of fear, and truly seeing what is in front of us. A reminder that we are all here, right now, experiencing this moment together. Follow the path of your heart.

Sunday 18 January 2015

a chosen path

| Day - not sure |

I have lost a few days, not hard in this city, this city never stops. That constant vibration doesnt allow you to fully rest, after a few weeks of little sleep, moving days, the body was bound to find its limit.. and so it decided to shut down, and so I have been at rest for 2 days

Able though thank goodness to find the energy to attend a wonderful book event on Saturday, where a German artist has collaborated with a local print makers, where all books are hand crafted and created with love - was a beautiful experience to be there in the tiny factory with the workers, the proud owner, family and the German team.. a simple delight to buy one of these small precious books, an a-z guide of the city Bangalore. Was able watch a 10mins film they documented showing the long process with numerous procedures, and uncountable people involved..

 | Sunday 18th |

Back to the studio to work - a healthy 4pm start

Today Sound; working with Martin Lutz from Berlin
we tried the idea of Microphone, mm, but both unable to approach it, so it remained watching on the side lines..

photo to follow..
sound and technical 

And instead came up with a new score that is in keeping with the next stepping stone of my process an exploration that is relevant to me being here, this was inspired by some invaluable advice on Saturday night at the printers.. 
'What ever you came here with, forget it and leave it behind, let being here tell you what it is you need to discover, and therefore share..'
an introduction with Meryl Tankard
 A most delightful surprise meeting in the back streets of Bangalore, in a printing factory of all wonderful if not bonkers places, I was introduced to renowned Australian Dancer/Choreographer Meryl Tankard, a former dancer with Pina Bausch, a by chance meeting before she went off on her travels further South to Kerala.. Thank you, another Mentor in passing!

 And so the dance piece continues, returning back to where I started on day 1, at the beginning, but this time I know where it is I wish to go, deeper into my surroundings, so lets see where this new direction takes me.. 
Also this week very much looking forward to the safe arrival of Morag Deyes, another mentor and not to forget reason I am gratefully and gleefully here, and thanks to her visa coming through, giving her a way back here to Mother India..

Thursday 15 January 2015

Warrior of Light - poem

| Warrior of Light |

A dark light shines from the heart
Filled with loss and fear
Trembles of pain; a dreaded unknown

Something tells me 'this will pass'
I whisper in reply 'yes, this will pass'
A test to endure, and trust

After, the darkness remains
The weight lifts, releasing its firm grip
I remember to breathe

An Inner strength of fortifying courage rises
I stand alone on my two feet
A Universal Creation

Dawn calls-
A horizon of mystical light
Full of wonder, hope and falls

A sign appears;
Risk Ahead
Carry Love to Protect

by C.Jarvis
January 2015

Endurance and Intention

|  Day 4 |


 So here we are day 4 of week 2, and beginning to feel the strain of the city, where oh where is the fresh air? but endurance is the theme of my residency, and I know that there will be plenty of time later to sit in stillness and breathe in the fine Scottish air!

Last week I wrote the poem 'Warrior of Light', the starting point for the story and movement to evolve. A journey of endurance, survival and rebirth, and a fitting place to be here in India (have to keep reminding myself I am really here!) to explore these themes.

So I will endure, as the arrival on the other side can be so fruitful. Today I woke not wanting to get in a Rickshaw, to breath in the dust and pollution, nor be inside a studio when the sun is shining and when there are places calling out to be explored. 
But I did, and I am glad I did. In doing so a beautiful exploration emerged from this tired state. Having surrendered to the process itself the other side of the coin begins to shine, as I delve openly into what else the world has to offer.
The working title 

'Too lazy to be emotional'

is becoming, quite light with almost comical elements!?
Curious what happens when we take the emotional out of the story -

what is left is the question of 


Tuesday 13 January 2015

Walk like cow

| Day 2 |

"Walk like a Cow"

Today's advice, walk like a cow, in terms of speed and pace, then you see all that unfolds before you, and you are less likely to fall into a pot hole, or twist your ankle on the broken pavements, and to see the traffic coming.. and if you approach the locals in this manner, and the rickshaw drivers, they are even more warming to you, as not to push them with our hasty intent and hurried ways.

 passing traffic

Back to the studio;

So day 2, continuing to explore and give time to process all that has risen and emerged. 

Another mentor session, today with Neel Chaudhuri, India (Dramaturgy). Neel is a playwright and director based in New Delhi. He is a Founder and Artistic Director of The Tadpole Repertory, one of Delhi’s most prominent and prolific theatre groups.

He has been with me on this journey since the first week, and has supported and questioned my work, so today he is also keen to see where this 'new' and alternative way for me to work will go, and possibly see if we return back to where we begun a week ago.. already there are circle and cycles being created, naturally, to think by accident, or simply meant to be.. nice when things come together! or at least make sense even if momentarily.

So, with the rest of this week in the studio, and next week we share our 'finished work', we have one more week that follows for technical support and final choreographic decisions before the performance happening on 
7th & 8th Feb.. 
Next week is far away, in some respect, 
and may bring me to another new beginning.. 

The aim for me is not to create a finished idea, nor here to impress myself and others, the performance is a small part of this epic tale, and I am simply interested in the steps taken heading towards that point in time; 

It is about the journey, the explorations, the curiosity, the learning, the risk taking and the people that we meet every step of the way..


to walk like a Cow !




Monday 12 January 2015

Week 2 - Day 1 Begin again

| Week 2 |

Day 1

I begin again

I find myself in the studio - and I begin again. 

Those whom are aware of my creative work and process, Graceful Warrior and Silent Warrior, these solos studies are created in 4 days, then performed and shared on day 5.
And so last week I created Warrior of Light the final chapter of these studies, and performed it on the 5th day, Saturday 10th, for a small dance audience at Attakkalari studio. 

So theoretically I have finished the final chapter of this Warrior trilogy, 
but it is very much still in the making..

What do you do when you have created a solo, completed a trilogy? 

you begin again
and as I have time here in Bangalore to explore deeper, I begin to question, the meaning, the reason and that all important question, WHY? 
Now to find the courage, and to allow the self doubt to dissolve, as I begin to take more risks!

So now, the residency offers International mentors that work with the emerging choreogrpahers, meeting for 1-2-1 sessions, questioning and challenging the choreographers process!
This week I have already been working with the renowned Swiss Choreographer Philippe Saire, and German sound artist Martin Lutz

How your past follows and catches up with you, you travel half way round the globe, and as always in the dance world, we are all connected or worked together in some way through distant relatives and friends.

Well yesterday - Monday was exhausting - my process just got flipped, I am interested to explore the opposites, here to explore all possibilities in life and art, why not do the absolute opposite of what you think, and of who you think you are. 

You might surprise yourself.. 
and reveal something you never knew was there before.
 Last week there was a solo, Warrior of Light, full of drama, tension, expressing a story that is FULL of emotion, exploring endurance and survival

this week - new working title

'Too Lazy to be Emotional'

with the warrior being there already in the shadows, and a story already been born, am intrigued to see where these new inspirations and tools will take me..  

Sign Appears;

Risk Ahead
Carry Love to Protect
There was another mentor who visited me in the day also, Kala's 9yrs old son, whom was in the studio all day, who taught himself how to use my camera and came back an hour later with some beautiful photos.. 

the local building site, quite incredible to watch these men at work, 
and the RISKS they take up that scaffolding!
 the calm balcony to take rest

 texture, form and line

 the artist himself, and an excellent dancer! 

Sunday 11 January 2015

New work

Your induction over..

Time for work

of the creative sort

third in the series of solo studies..

follow on from Graceful Warrior 2013
and Silent Warrior 2014 

the next and final step in this cycle..

Warrior of Light

 A sign appears;

Risk ahead
Carry Love to protect

by CJarvis
Bangalore 2015 

Day 1 & 2

| Day 1|

Attakkalari studio
Wilson Gardens

A welcome and introductory day 
with the team at Attakkalari dance studio in the south of Bangalore. A day to meet the team, fellow artists, and mentors. Sharing our ideas, interests we wish to explore during this thrilling dance residency - a simple day to allow the jet lag to fade, and to orientate ourselves with the people and the city!!

| Day 2 | 

First thing; 8am call we gather at the place in which we are to perform later in the process; while we wait for all to arrive and survive the Bangalore early morning traffic (its rush hour every hour!) sweet coffee and breakfast are enjoyed as we sit in this sanctuary protecting us from the hum and roar of the waking city.

Performance space, Alliance Francaise

We are taken to our own individual studios that are scattered all over the city, I arrive to find I have been allocated a wonderful space in the East of the city, a wee haven amidst the cities madness. A beautiful space that is kept immaculate by the beloved Kala, whom comes everyday to open and prepare the space. Then she watches and waits patiently until we are finished. 
Waving us goodbye at the end of each day, and then again the next with smiles and hugs at the ready! Already we have been blessed with a visit from her mother, sharing food and more hugs of welcome!

The divine Kala

 the studio space;daily calmness 
 Monday - Saturday

 the view from where I create!

Then find a rickshaw, hoping they know the way! 

and then when you arrive and find home, a most welcome sight, time to rest and allow the 'hard working' day to dissolve and prepare for a new dawn!
